N o v e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 2 1
P a g e 125 | 194
Table 13.1
Network Protocols
Baud Rate, Data Bits, Stop
Bits, Parity
These field define the bit level transfer over the serial port.
No handshake lines are used
Multidrop Full
Rx remains active while Tx is occurring.
Multidrop Half
Rx is shut off while Tx is occurring.
Radio Modem
Wait for CTS acknowledgement before
transmitting (legacy radio modem support).
If a driver supports multiple protocols, it is selected here,
(i.e. Modbus supports RTU or ANSI).
Specifies if port operates in RS232 or RS485 mode.
Specifies number of times a transaction is retried on a failed
Specifies the amount of time for a device to wait for a valid
Update Scan
Update Interval
Specifies the update interval
at which all the mapped entries are executed.
Reacquire Time
Specifies the amount of time
to wait before attempting communications with
an offline device.
Specifies the binary register that a
single transaction scan of the Scan List.
ID Select
If an analog is specified in the field,
the ID Select filter is enabled.
Status Register
Specifies the starting OCS register of eight (8) consecutive
registers (4-32bit counters), which provide an indication of
the network health.
Scanner Address
Specifies the OCS’s device (network) ID if a master ID is
required by the protocol.
Protocol Help
Provides protocol specific help.