associated user bits. A subsequent press of the DISPLAY switch releases the display HOLD mode and the most current time
code or user bits are again displayed. Note that although the display may be in HOLD mode, the internal reader/generator
remains active.
Display Description
The following paragraphs refer to Figure 5-1 when describing various aspects of the VLR-100 display.
Figure 5-1, VLR-100 LED Display
When displaying reader time code data, the VLR-100 automatically shuts off display of the frame digits whenever the tape speed
is above two times play speed. (The frames digits can be permanently blanked via the setting of an internal jumper, see Chapter
6.) Four of the discrete LEDs indicate the operating status of the VLR-100 as follows:
Table 5-1, Discrete LED Descriptions
VITC The VITC LED blinks rapidly when VITC is being actively read, both in VITC reader and VITC-to-LTC
translation modes. If the VLR-100 can no longer read VITC, the VITC LED remains steady on if the currently
displayed time code or user bits originated from VITC (as opposed to LTC). The VITC LED slowly blinks on
and off at a 1-second rate to indicate loss of input video.
If the VLR-100 is operating as an LTC reader, the LTC LED blinks rapidly whenever incoming LTC is being
actively read. As with the VITC LED, the LTC LED remains steady on if the LTC reader stops reading LTC to
show that the current display reflects a previous LTC input.When in either the LTC generator or VITC-to-LTC
translation modes of operation, the LTC LED blinks rapidly to indicate that the LTC generator is running (i.e.,
incrementing the output LTC numbers), or that successful translation is occurring. When the LTC generator is
stopped, the LTC colon LED blinks at a ¼-sec on/off rate. Upon loss of input video, blinking of the LTC LED is
stopped every other second to indicate that the LTC generator is not locked to video.
This LED is on when reading field 2 and off when reading field 1 whenever the VITC reader is successfully
reading VITC and the tape speed is less than 1/5th play speed. It is continuously on if reading VITC above 1/5th
play speed or if the VITC reader is not active.
This LED is on whenever drop frame time code is being read or generated. It is off for non-drop frame time code.
When user bits are displayed, the three bottom colon LEDs and the DF LED are off.
Regardless of whether time code or user bits are displayed, whenever the display is held, the active LEDs blink at a ¼-sec on/off