running the TCG LED flashes at the frame rate of the generated time code. When the TCG is stopped the TCG LED flashes
ON and OFF about two times a second, along with other LEDs that would normally be ON.
4.13 "GENLOCK" Colon LED
The GENLOCK LED indicates whether or not the TCG time code output is phase locked to the selected genlock source. If
the GENLOCK LED is OFF, the time code is not genlocked. If the LED is flashing at the frame rate the time code is
genlocked at the frame rate. If the LED is flashing at 1-PPS then the time code is genlocked at the 1-PPS rate.
4.14 "PRE1" and "PRE2" Colon LEDs
The PRE1 and PRE2 LEDs indicate which Preset memory is active for presetting the TCG time value and which is active
for both presetting and for jamming the TCG user bits.
When either the PRE1 or PRE2 LED is ON this indicates that the associated Preset value is active. When both LEDs are
ON this indicates that the Preset value is the last value that was generated by the TCG just before it was stopped.
4.15 "TCR FPS DETECT " Colon LED
The TCR FPS DETECT LED indicates whether or not the frame rate of a time code input to the TRG-100 has been
detected and measured by the TCR. If the LED is OFF then the FPS has not been measured. If the LED is flashing then the
FPS is actively being measured. If the LED is steady ON then the FPS of the TCR input time code has been measured and
can be displayed. The FPS measurement process operates in the background in both TCR and TCG modes of TRG-100
4.16 "DF" LED
The DF LED indicates if a 29.97 FPS time code being read or generated is drop frame or non-drop frame. When the LED is
ON this means the time code is drop frame format.
4.17 Selecting Time Code, User Bits, or FPS for Display
The DISPLAY switch is used to select what is displayed on the LED display. UB selects the time code user bits value, TC
selects the time code time value, and FPS selects the FPS rate of the time code.
The FPS display value is for the TCR if in TCR mode, and for the TCG if in TCG mode.
4.18 Selecting TCR Operation
TCR operation is selected when the MODE switch is in the TCR position. In this mode the TCR can read and display time
code at rates of from about 1/10 play speed up to about 10X play speed.
If the TCR be selected as the genlock source when in the TCG mode, the TCR operates to read time code, however it reads
only at play speed.
4.19 Selecting TCG Operation
TCG operation is selected when the MODE switch is in the TCG position. In this mode the TCG generates time code at one
of six FPS rates and the time code can free-run or be genlocked to time code or video inputs.
4.20 Starting and Stopping the TCG Time Code
The TCG is started and stopped by actuating and releasing the MODE switch to the SET position. "Starting" the TCG
means allowing it to increment it's time code time value at the selected FPS rate. "Stopping" means holding the time code
time value at a fixed HH:MM:SS:FR time. This "frozen" time code time and user bit information is continuously sent out at
the selected TCG FPS rate. Also, any colon LEDs that were ON when the TCG was running will flash slowly when the
TCG is stopped.
4.21 TCG Time Code Jam and Genlock Operation
Setting the CG time to match that of another time code source is called “jamming” the TCG. It is an instantaneous forced
type of event. One instant it’s at a particular time value, the next instant it’s time is set to match another time.
Once jammed, further maintaining the TCG time code phase synchronized to an external reference is called “genlocking”
the TCG. Genlock means GENerator LOCKed and is a continuous process of fine tuning, making small, gradual
adjustments of the TCG's FPS rate to have it continuously match that of the FPS rate of the selected reference input. If the