If both the PRE1 and PRE2 LEDs are ON then it's simply whatever time or user bit value was in the time code generator at
the time that the MODE switch was first held in the SET position.
4. Continue actuating SET and after 2-seconds the ON condition of the PRE1 and PRE2 LEDs will change and the
associated preset value will be recalled and loaded into the TCG. The sequence is PRE1, PRE2, both, and it will continue to
repeat as long as the MODE switch is held in the SET position.
4.32 Changing the Preset Memory Values
1. Perform the preceding four steps and, while performing Step-4, release the MODE switch from the SET position when
the desired PRE1, PRE2, or both LEDs are ON. This action selects the preset memory.
2. After releasing the SET switch in Step-1 above, use the momentary action COUNT switch to increase or decrease the
value of the flashing character. The COUNT switch (+) increases the value, (-) decreases it.
3. If the character that is flashing is not the character you desire to change, then actuate and release the SET switch again to
advance the flashing from left to right until you reach the desired character position.
4. Continue to use the SET and COUNT switches to select characters and change their value until you have preset all of the
characters as desired.
Note that each time you change to a different character you have 2-seconds to change it's value. After 2-seconds the Preset
mode is terminated. However, it can quickly be restarted simply by holding the MODE switch in the SET position for 1-
5. It should be noted that in the above Step-1 that the first preset value recalled after the 1-second delay is the last preset
value that was used. For example, if PRE2 was used to preset the TCG, then whenever the Preset cycle is started by again
by holding the MODE switch in the SET position for 1-second, the TCG will be preset to the PRE2 value first. Once this
happens, SET can be released and the TCG will be ready to be again started from whatever preset value was stored in the
PRE2 memory.
5.1 Word and Acronym Definitions
It is helpful to understand the meaning of various words and acronyms used in this manual so they are defined or explained
as follows:
“Drop Frame” time code - See “SMPTE Time Code” in paragraph 1.2
European Broadcast Union - A European standards setting organization.
Frames-Per-Second - “Frame rate” of video, film, or time code. The number of times in a second that a frame of
video, film, or a time code is changed or updated.
Free-run Free running - Not locked to a reference. “free range” time code. See Genlock
Genlock To lock signals together such that one is a timing reference for the other. For example, to lock time code
generation to a video reference so that each frame of time code is generated in exact synchronism with the
generation of each frame of video.
High Definition video. HD video is delivered at frame and line rates that provide much finer definition in the
picture. There are many HD frame rates currently in use, as well as new ones being developed.
To electronically preset a time code generator to the same time as another time source to cause the generated time
code to have the same time value as that of the source time.
Longitudinal/Linear Time Code - See “SMPTE Time Code” in paragraph 5.2
“Non-Drop Frame” time code - See “SMPTE Time Code” in paragraph 5.2.