This manual provides instructions for installing and operating the HORITA TRG-100. The TGR-100 is a multi-frame-rate
SMPTE time code reader/generator with a 0.56" high eight character LED display. The Time Code Reader (TCR) and Time
Code Generator (TCG) functions both read and generate “longitudinal” format SMPTE time code (LTC) at multiple frame
rates to provide an ideal TCR/TCG for use in studio, field, editing, engineering, and post production situations.
The TCR function can read time code at "speed" rates from about 1/10th "play speed" up to about 10 times play speed.
"Play speed" refers to the basic frame rate of the time code when first generated or recorded onto an audio recorder. When a
recording of time code is "played back", the playback speed may be usually be sped up or slowed down and the resultant
FPS "speed" of the time code also increases or decreases in direct proportion.
When reading play speed time code the TCR measures and displays the basic FPS frame rate of the time code being read
and can discern between 23.976 and 24FPS as well as between 29.97 and 30FPS time code.
The TCG function consists of a highly accurate very low drift crystal controlled time base that sets the basic frame rate of
the generated time code. The initial TCG start time value can be manually preset by the user or electronically preset
(jammed) from an external SMPTE time code input. After initial presetting and startup the TCG can be set to thereafter
free-run or to genlock (phase lock) to an externally applied time code or to a bi-level/tri-level (HD) video reference input
The TRG-100 is easy to operate and simple to set up. Four front panel switches allow the user to quickly select TCR or
TCG time or FPS display, change TCG FPS rate, start/stop/preset the generator, select the genlock source, etc. Both
balanced and un-balanced time code inputs and outputs provide for quick hookup into different time code situations and
The TRG-100 time code reader and time code generator functions are multi-frame-rate and can read and
generate SMPTE time code at frame rates of 23.976, 24, 25, 29.97DF (Drop Frame), 29.97NDF (Non-Drop Frame),
and 30FPS (also non-drop frame).
The LED display consists of eight 0.56" high red characters and shows the TCR and TCG time code hours, minutes,
seconds, and frame number in familiar HH:MM:SS:FF format, the time code "user-bit" values, the FPS frame rate, and
any TCG preset value.
LED indicators show if the TCR or TCG is selected for display, drop frame time code, Preset-1, Preset-2 selected to
preset the TCG, TCG genlock status, and TCR FPS detect status.
Provides both balanced XLR and unbalanced RCA inputs and outputs for time code.
TCR reads SMPTE time code at speeds from about 1/10th play speed up to about 10 times play speed.
TCR "auto FPS detect" mode operates continuously in the background to detect the 23.976, 24, 25, 29.97DF, 29.97ND,
and 30FPS frame rates. "FPS DET" LED indicator shows when the frame rate has been accurately detected and
TCG starting time can quickly be preset either to one of two user preset values or "jammed" to the time code value
being read by the TCR. Likewise, the "user bit" portion of the TCG time code can be set to match that of the TCR or
can be manually preset.
TCG "Run/Stop" momentary action switch permits quick starting and stopping of the TCG incrementing the time code
TCG operation can be set to free-run or to "genlock" the generated time code to the incoming video or to the
incoming time code. LED indicator shows if TCG is genlocked or not. When in free-run mode the TCG has a very low
drift rate of a maximum of +/- 1 frame-per-hour.