Figure 4-1, TRG-100 LED Display and Display Colons
4.8 Time Code Time Display Format
The TCR/TCG time code value is displayed in a numerical clock format of four pairs of digits, 2 each for hours, minutes,
seconds, and frames, with the pairs of digits separated by colon characters as shown in figure 4-1.
The hours value can range from 00-23, minutes and seconds value from 00-59, and frames from 00-to-the maximum value
for whatever the FPS rate is. Note that 23.976 FPS is really 24 FPS that’s running slow, and 29.97 FPS is 30 FPS that’s
running slow, so there isn't an actual frame number 23.976 or 29.97. Frame numbering starts with frame "00" (instead of
01) so for 23/24 FPS for example, the highest frame number is 23, for 25 FPS it's 24, and for 29.97/30 FPS it’s 29.
4.9 Time Code User Bit Display Format
The user bits of the time code are displayed in a digital format as four pairs of numerical digits separated by the colon
LEDs. Each of the user bit characters can have a hexadecimal value from 0-9 and A-F: 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-A-B-C-D-E-F.
Because of the limited characters available using a 7-segment display, hexadecimal characters A-F are displayed as: A-b-C-
4.10 FPS Display Format
The FPS display shows the FPS rate of either the TCR or the TCG. The following table shows the TCR and TCG FPS
display and the actual associated FPS:
29.97 dF
29.97 Drop frame
29.97 ndF
29.97 Non-drop frame
50 720P
50 1080i
59.94 720P
29.97 Drop frame
59.1080i (59.94 1080i)
29.97 Drop frame
Set to match the TCR FPS
rate whenever the TCG is
Table 4-1, TCR and TCG FPS Displays
4.11 "TCR" Colon LED
When ON, the TCR LED indicates that the TCR has been selected for display of the time code, user bits, or FPS rate of the
time code input. In addition to this use, the TCR LED also indicates whether or not the TRG-100 is reading an active input
time code. When reading time code the TCR LED flashes at the frame rate of the time code. When not reading time code
the TCR LED is steady ON.
4.12 "TCG" Colon LED
The TCG LED indicates the TCG has been selected for display of the time code, user bits, or the FPS rate of the TCG time
code output. In addition to this use, the TCG LED also indicates if the TCG is "stopped" or is "running". When the TCG is