Honeywell Analytics warrants the Sensepoint XCL gas detector against
defective parts and workmanship.
This warranty does not cover consumable, batteries, fuses, normal wear
and tear, or damage caused by accident, abuse, improper installation,
unauthorized use, modification or repair, ambient environment,
poisons, contaminants or abnormal operating conditions.
This warranty does not apply to sensors or components that are covered
under separate warranties, or to any 3rd-party cables and components.
In no event shall Honeywell Analytics be liable for any damages or
injury of any nature or kind, no matter how caused, that arise from
incorrect handling or use of this equipment.
In no event shall Honeywell Analytics be liable for any equipment
malfunction or damages whatsoever, including (without limitation)
incidental, direct, indirect, special, and consequential damages,
damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of
business information, or other pecuniary loss, resulting from the
incorrect installation or use of this equipment.
Any claim under the Honeywell Analytics Product Warranty must be
made within the warranty period and as soon as reasonably practicable
after a defect is discovered. Please contact your local Honeywell
Analytics Service representative to register your claim.
This is a summary. For full warranty terms please refer to the Honeywell
General Statement of Limited Product Warranty
, which is
available on request.