1000 Integrated Avionics System
Index (cont)
Display controller (DC), 4-20
BRG (bearing) knobs, 4-21
ET (elapsed time) button, 4-20
FMS (flight management system) button (optional), 4-20
FULL/WX button, 4-20
GSPD/TTG (groundspeed/time--to--go) button, 4-20
NAV (navigation) button, 4-20
RA (radio altitude) knob/TEST button, 4-21
Displays, 4-25, 5-6
Backup EICAS display, 5-31
Backup EICAS display failure indications, 5-34
Crew alerting system (CAS), 5-22
CAS display failure indications, 5-29
CAS messages, 5-23
EICAS display, 5-6
EICAS reversionary modes, 5-30
Loss of display guidance computer (DGC) symbol
generator, 5-30
Loss of the display unit, 5-30
MFD system displays, 4-86
Electrical (ELEC) system, 4-93
Environmental control system/anti--ice, 4-88
Fuel system, 4-90
Hydraulic (HYD) system, 4-92
Takeoff (T/O), 4-86
Multifunction display (MFD), 4-68
Changing a waypoint, 4-80
Checklist (option), 4-82
Map display, 4-72
Map failure and warning displays, 4-75
MFD common symbols, 4-69
MFD display window, 4-82
MFD plan mode, 4-77
Plan mode failure and warning displays, 4-79
Traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS), 4-84
Typical map mode presentations, 4-76
Typical plan mode presentation, 4-80
Weather, 4-74