Honeywell Access Systems
The correct serial cable is
used, and the UDS is
setup correctly, but there is
no communication with the
device attached to the
UDS across the network.
If the serial cable is cor-
rect, perhaps it is not con-
nected to the correct
socket of the UDS.
Another possibility is that
the UDS is not set up cor-
rectly to make a good
socket connection to the
Check to see whether
there is a socket connec-
tion to or from the UDS by
looking at the Status LED.
If the Status LED is blink-
ing consistently, or is com-
pletely off, then there is a
good socket connection.
If the Status LED is solid
green, then the socket
connection does not exist.
Use the Connect Mode
option C0 for making a
connection to the UDS
from the network. Use
Connect Mode option C1
or C5 for a connection to
the network from the UDS.
When connecting to the
Web-Manager within the
UDS, the message "No
Connection With The
CoBox" displays.
The computer is not able
to connect to port 30718
(77FEh) on the UDS.
Make sure that port 30718
(77FEh) is not blocked
with any another router
being used on the net-
work. Also make sure that
port 77FEh is not disabled
within the Security settings
of the UDS.