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— Numeric keyboard appears, if you press the right-hand side key of key (2). Please
enter maximum value which is 20mA.
— The range of SCALING setup is between 4 and 20mA and output of temperature
current value depends upon current temperature(PV).
Example) When SCALING setup range is between 0
C and 90
C, output of
current temperature value is 4mA if current temperature is below 0
output of current temperature value it is 20mA if the current temperature is
above 90
C; if the current temperature is between 0
C and 90
C, output of
current temperature value is between 4mA and 20mA. (Initial SCALING
setup at the time of product shipment is between -100.0
C and 300.0
3. Setting up the range of temperature input
It allows you to limit the range of Set Point for fix control and program control. If the user
enters SP that is out of the range of input field, an OVER RANGE message appears and
indicates that it cannot be set up.
— If you press the left-hand side key of temperature input range setup key (3),
the numeric keyboard appears. Please enter the minimum value of the input limit
— If you press the right-hand side key of temperature input range setup key (3),
the numeric keyboard appears. Please enter the maximum value of the input limit
4. Selecting Sensor Input
It allows you to select if you want to input a dry bulb /a wet bulb temperature either as
Pt100 or JPt100
— Selecting Pt100
If you press Pt key (4), the Pt key is reversed.
— Selecting JPt100
If you press JPt key (4), the JPt key is reversed.
Invalid Setup
At the time of setting up MIN VALUE and MAX VALUE,
MIN VALUE > MAX VALUE is invalid and cannot be entered.
Please enter MIN VALUE after entering MAX VALUE.