HS--700 High Speed Data System
30 Aug 2002
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(2) When used within the spot beams, the Aero--H+ service requires less power so that
call charges are reduced.
(3) All Honeywell/Thales aeronautical equipment complies with the International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO) Agency of the UN requirements for aeronautical safety
services. The equipment can be used for communication, navigation, and
surveillance/air traffic management (CNS/ATM).
C. HSD Services
(1) The HS--700 HSD system provides two modes of communication: circuit--mode and
packet--mode. In these modes, there are five services provided as follows:
ISDN speech, typically used for ISDN telephones and Public Switched Telephone
Network (PSTN) telephones connected with a terminal adapter (TA).
3.1 kHz audio, typically used for analog data modems, group 3 fax machines, and
secure telephone unit (STU) terminals connected through a TA.
56 kbps unrestricted digital information (UDI) which is provided for compatibility
with equipment requiring this service.
64 kbps UDI, typically used for video terminals, group 4 fax machines, data
communication, and secure telephone equipment (STE) terminals.
MPDS, which is used for internet access and access to corporate local area
networks (LAN) through the virtual private network (VPN) service.
(2) The first four services are circuit--mode services and MPDS is a packet--mode
D. User Interfaces
(1) The services of the HS--700 HSD system can be accessed through three interfaces:
ISDN NT1 (European S/T Interface)
EIA/TIA--232 Asynchronous Serial Port
10BASE--T Ethernet Port.
(2) The ISDN network termination 1 (NT1) interface is the access point for all
circuit--mode services. This interface is physically located on the ARINC--404
connector on the rear of the HSU. Except for the physical design of the connector,
this interface is ISDN compliant. The HS--700 is configured as NT1 for direct
connection to the user’s terminal equipment 1 (TE1) interface, or for connection to
terminal equipement 2 (TE2) through an external terminal adapter (TA).
(3) The HS--700 includes an internal 100 ohm termination resistor for the ISDN interface
to support cable lengths longer than three meters.
(4) The ISDN interface can supply power to up to four ISDN devices, but supports up to
eight devices if at least four of them have their own power supply. During primary
power interruptions of up to 200 ms duration, the HS--700 is capable of maintaining
hold--up with no more than one ISDN device being powered by the HS--700. For
example, if more than one such phone is connected and an incoming call is received
during a 200 ms power interrupt, the HS--700 may reset rather than hold--up over the
power interruption.