CDMA-X Installation and Setup Guide
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4204 Relay Outputs map to zones
First 4204 Zones
(device address
entered in Prompt 16)
Second 4204 Zones
(device address
entered in Prompt 16, plus 1)
Relay 1 = Zone 1
Relay 2 = Zone 2
Relay 3 = Zone 3
Relay 4 = Zone 4
Zone 4 status is not reported
when being used as the conditional
(armed) trigger zone.
Relay 1 = Zone 5
Relay 2 = Zone 6
Relay 3 = Zone 7
Relay 4 = Zone 8
Zone 8 status is not reported when
being used as the conditional (armed) trigger
When using the communicator in 4204 Emulation Mode, DO NOT enable the communicator (or LRR) in control panel
programming. Instead, enable 4204 relay module address(es) and program the appropriate relay activation functions for
the relay-zones being used. In some control panels, it is called “relay programming” and in others it is called “output
device programming.” It is recommended that “close and stay closed” (usually choice 2) action is selected. Selection of
momentary activation will cause the communicator to generate an alarm and NOT a restore, even if the communicator is
programmed to send a restore for the given zone.
In 4204 mode, messages are reported in ADEMCO High-Speed format. Zone alarms (status 7) are reported with “1”
(alarm) or “3” (restore) displayed in the zone position for the respective zone (e.g. alarm on zone 2: 5155 5555 7; restore
5355 5555 7). A supervision fault trouble message is automatically sent if the communicator detects no activity on its
connection to the control panel. The message is: 5555 5515 5; restore message is: 5555 5535 5.
Programming Options
Strt Prog Mode?
[Y], [N]
Enters programming mode.
Enter Password
[0-9, A-F, N, S, T,
X, Y]
If a password has been previously assigned, this
prompt appears.
Enter a 4-digit password
(0-9, A-F, N, S, T, X, Y).
The next prompt appears.
Program Device?
[Y], [N]
To begin programming the communicator, press [Y]
and go to Prompt 9: "Device Mode."
To create a password if none has been assigned, press
[N] and go to Prompt 4: "Create Password?."
To change an existing password, press [N] and go to
Prompt 5: "Change Password?."
Create Password?
[Y], [N]
Passwords can be used to protect account and
programming information.
If no password has been assigned, this prompt appears
after pressing [N] at the "Program Device?" prompt.
If a password is desired, press [Y] and go to Prompt 6:
"Enter Password."
Change Password?
[Y], [N]
If a password has already been assigned, this prompt
appears after pressing [N] at the "Program Device?"
Press [Y] if you want to change the password.
To clear an existing password, without
entering a new one, answer [Y] to the "Change
Password?" prompt, then press the [Enter] key when
prompted for the new password and its confirmation.