1. Introduction
1.3. Terminology
Analog Input Module 2MLF-AV8A, AC8A User's Guide
September 2010
1.3 Terminology
Analog value- A
The analog value of the physical measurement is continuously displayed as numerical
value. Since the analog value changes continuously, an instantaneous value is given as an
input. It could be a measurement of any physical parameter, such as voltage, current,
temperature, speed, pressure or flow.
Figure 1 – Analog value
For example, temperature could be changing continuously with respect to time, as shown
in Figure 1.
Figure 2 – Example of transducer
Since the changing temperature cannot be directly provide as an input to the A/D
converter, it needs to be converted into voltage using a transducer and then provided.
Digital value - D
In a digital electronic circuit, data is processed and saved in the form of numbers 0 and 1
only. The data is processed as a string of 0s and 1s. For example, ON and OFF signals