Voice Commands
Audio Commands
Voice Comma
Radio preset #
(#: 1 to 12)
Radio FM preset #
(#: 1 to 12)
Radio AM preset #
(#: 1 to 6)
Radio scan
Radio select XM
XM channel #
(#: 0 to 255 [two fifty five])
XM channel down
XM category up
XM category down
XM preset #
(#: 1 to 12)
XM scan
XM category mode
XM channel mode
*1: These commands toggle the function
on and off, so the command may not
match your intended action.
Radio volume levels cannot be controlled
using voice control.
Disc play
Disc play track #
(#: 1 to 30)
Disc skip forward
Disc skip back
Disc track random
Disc commands
Disc track repeat
Disc track scan
Disc folder up
Disc folder down
Disc folder random
Disc folder repeat
Disc folder scan
Disc normal play
*1: These commands toggle the function
on and off, so the command may not
match your intended action.
iPod play
iPod play track #
(#: 1 to 30)
iPod skip forward
iPod skip back
iPod track shuffle
iPod album shuffle
iPod track repeat
iPod normal play
What am I listening to?
Who am I listening to?
Who is this?
What’s playing?
Who’s playing?
What album is this?
iPod® commands
*1: These commands toggle the function
on and off, so the command may not
match your intended action.
USB play
USB play track #
(#: 1 to 30)
USB skip forward
USB skip back
USB track random
USB track repeat
USB track scan
USB folder up
USB folder down
USB folder random
USB folder repeat
USB folder scan
USB normal play
*1: These commands toggle the function
on and off, so the command may not
match your intended action.
USB commands