Satellite Dish Installation Manual (Ver. 1)
receiver (make sure the Receiver and TV are off before connecting).
Section 12: Satellite Dish Alignment
Now, connect the coaxial cable from the LNB to a Signal Meter or the satellite
Refer to your SatFinder results from Section 3 of this guide for your Elevation.
Lightly tighten all the bolts on the elevation bracket and mast bracket to allow for
slight movement and adjustment.
Standing at the rear of the dish, carefully set the elevation by adjusting the bolt to
the respective setting (refer to Figures 33 and 34). Remember to tighten the
bolts enough so that the dish won’t slip, but is still slightly movable.
Figure 33
Figure 34
Refer to your SatFinder results from Section 3 of this guide for your Azimuth.
Standing behind the dish, move it towards the correct compass setting. Now,
very slowly
, move it in both directions until you receive a signal on your
meter/screen. Then move the dish
very slowly
up and down to peak the signal.
Then turn the LNB very slowly and move it in and out of the bracket. These
steps should be done repeatedly, until the maximum signal is received. Once you
are satisfied with your signal strength, tighten all the bolts.
Using a permanent marker, draw a line on the elevation bracket where the bolts
are and also three (3) lines on the mast bracket to the pole for a reference should
the dish ever move. Confirm the elevation setting on the bracket.