Weather forecast
Sunny Slightly Sunny Cloudy Rainy Storm
Please Note: The changing of the barometric pressure is used to predict the
coming weather. The forecast is an indication and the pictures can at times
be incorrect.
Barometer and bar and data of history for the past 12 hour of air pres-
The previous 12 hours shown on the bar graph are an indication of the rising
or falling in atmospheric pressures.
Air pressure can be read in hPa and inHg.
Hold “IN “for exchange of Sunshine and air pressure reading.
Air pressure setting and weather icon selection by SNOOZE/LIGHT
The air pressure reading can be adjusted by holding the SNOOZE/LIGHT for
3 second, the altitude will be flashing, press “+ “ or “- “ to adjust. Then press
SNOOZE/LIGHT again, the weather icon will be flashing, press “+ “ or “- “ to
select weather picture, press SNOOZE/LIGHT to confirm.
Wind speed in mph/kmh
The wind speed can be shown in mph and kmh, and will record from 0 to
256kmh. Please follow the manual set-up to select mph/kmh, the display of
the wind speed is updated every 1 minute.
Wind direction
There will be 16 wind directions, the display of the direction is updated every
1 minute.
Rainfall display
Rainfall can be shown in mm and inch, and will record from 0 to