section 3
if this is the second amp
in yoUr system
Step #1: Remove the seat and both wires (+ and -) from the battery. Remove the
outer fairing/headlamp assembly and set aside. Refer to a service
manual if you need help with this.
Step #2: You will now need to run the second power harness to the battery. For
Street Glide/Ultra, refer to Step #7, on page 4, in Section 1 of this
manual. For Road Glide/RG Ultra, please refer to Step #2, on page
7, in Section 2 of this manual for running the power harness. DO NOT
re-attach the power wires to the bike at this time!
Step #3: Remove the new amp you are installing off the plate it came on in the
box. Put that plate aside as it is not used in this installation. If installing a
second amp in a Street Glide or Ultra, the second amp will be installed
on the plate already on the bike as shown below in Fig 1.1 below.
Make sure to have the 4 pin black “pigtail” sit on top of the amp when
sticking it in place.
If installing the second amp in a Road Glide or RG Ultra, the second amp will
“stick” to the front of the mounting plate as shown in Fig 1.2 below.
Figure 1.1
Figure 1.2