Configuration Mode
3.4 Configuration
In this mode parameters of the hardware are set and monitored by a controlling unit (e.g. a
personal computer) connected to its RS-232 port.
3.4.1 Entering the Configuration Mode
The configuration mode is entered either by a specific reset sequence or by an appropriate
escape command from any of the data sub-modes (see section 3.1.2).
When entered by an hardware reset, the RS-232 port is operated at 9.600 Bd independent
from the parameter setting of the baud rate.
When entered by an escape command, the RS-232 port is operated at the configured baud
3.4.2 Configuration
Configuration mode uses a simple ASCII-based configuration protocol. The controlling unit
(host) acts as master. The module acts as slave.
1. The master sends a configuration command. This is a valid command string as
described in section 4. The command is terminated by
2. Depending on the command given, the module may respond with a response string. This
is always terminated by
. The response string may contain multiple lines of
text. In this case every line is terminated by
3. The module sends a return code. See section 4.2. The return code is terminated by
. This completes the command.
4. The protocol continues at step 1.
By successful completion of step 3 any modified configuration data has been saved in the
non-volatile memory of the HW 86012/22.
3.4.3 Leaving the Configuration Mode
The configuration mode is terminated by a reset sequence or by the