54. The installation should look like the photo
to the right.
55. With the dummy motor installed, the
battery hatch installs and is held in place
with magnets.
56. Install cabane struts on fuselage. Use
small machine screw, washer and nut.
57. Cabane should be mounted to the bottom
side of the supports as shown.
58. Install the outboard struts to the bottom of
the upper wing. Mount them to the outside
of the supports.
59. The installation should consist of. A screw
through the strut and then the support.
Slip a swivel onto the screw then a washer
followed by the nut, snug in place.
60. Photo shows the two additional swivels
that are installed with small wood screws
to the outboard underside of the upper
wing. The location is pre-drilled.