3. You must take time to
build straight, true
4. You must use an R/C radio system that is in first-
class condition, and a correctly sized engine and
components (fuel tank, wheels, etc.) throughout the
building process.
5. You must correctly install all R/C and other
components so that the model operates correctly on
the ground and in the air.
6. You must check the operation of the model before
flight to insure that all equipment is operating and
that the model has remained structurally sound. Be
sure to check clevises or other connectors often and
replace them if they show any signs of wear or fatigue.
7. If you are not an experienced pilot or have not
flown this type of model before, we recommend
that you get the assistance of an experienced pilot
in your R/C club for your first flights.
8. While this kit has been flight tested to exceed
normal use, if the plane will be used for extremely
high stress flying, the modeler is responsible for
taking steps to reinforce the high stress points.
The cowl included in this kit is made
of fiberglass, the fibers of which may cause eye,
skin and respiratory tract irritation. Never blow into
the cowl to remove fiberglass dust, as the dust will
blow back into your eyes. Always wear safety
goggles, a particle mask and rubber gloves when
grinding, drilling and sanding fiberglass parts.
Vacuum the parts and the work area thoroughly
after working with fiberglass parts.
Remember: Take your time and follow the
instructions to end up with a well-built model.
This is a partial list of items required to finish the
Hobbico Sukhoi SU31 that may require planning or
decision making before starting to build. Order
numbers are provided in parentheses.
Four channel radio
Four 54 oz-in servos and one 30 oz-in servo
Two 6” [150mm] servo extensions
(HCAM2701 for Futaba)
Y-harness (HCAM2751 for Futaba)
500 mAh battery or greater
We have installed both a two-and a four-stroke engine
in our prototypes. The two-stroke engine with a
standard muffler or with most Pitts style mufflers
requires much of the cowl to be cut away, while the
four-stroke maintains most of the integrity of the cowl.
If a more “scale“ look is desired we recommend the
four-stroke engine over the two-stroke.
50 - .75 cu in [8 - 12cc] two-stroke,
.70 - .91 [11. 5 - 15cc] four-stroke
R/C foam rubber (1/4” [6mm] - HCAQ1000,
or 1/2” [13mm] - HCAQ1050)
1/2 oz. [15g] Thin Pro
CA (GPMR6001)
1 oz. [30g] Medium Pro CA+ (GPMR6008)
Pro 30-minute epoxy (GPMR6047)
Pro 6-minute epoxy (GPMR6045)
Drill bits: 1/16” [1.6mm], 5/64” [2mm], 1/8”
[3.2mm], 3/16” [4.8mm].
#1 Hobby knife (HCAR0105)
#11 blades (5-pack, HCAR0211)
Top Flite
sealing iron (TOPR2100)
CA applicator tips (HCAR3780)
R/C-56 canopy glue (JOZR5007)
Threadlocker thread locking cement
We, as the kit manufacturer, provide you with a
top quality, thoroughly tested kit and
instructions, but ultimately the quality and
flyability of your finished model depends on how
you build it; therefore, we cannot in any way
guarantee the performance of your completed
model, and no representations are expressed or
implied as to the performance or safety of your
completed model.