Brushless Power System
Though electric R/C fl ying has been around a long time,
brushless motor technology has renewed interest in the
hobby for old-timers and sparked a whole new generation of
R/C modelers.
The brushless motor used on the NexSTAR EP Select is a
Great Planes RimFire
42-50-800. Deatils about this motor
can be found at www.electrifl y/rimfi re.com.
The electronic speed control (ESC) used on the NexSTAR
EP Select is a Great Planes Silver Series SS-55D. This is a
6S LiPo (or 16C NiMH) programmable 55 amp ESC.
Wing Rib
The CenterCore wing rib is a nylon part that comes preinstalled
onto one of the wing halves. It performs several functions; it
aligns the two wing halves; it is a mount for the aileron servo;
the incorporated wing dowel holds the wing in place; it holds
and aligns the wing bolt to the PivotFlex Wing Mounting
System. Joining the wing halves and wing installation on the
fuselage have never been easier.
SpinControl™ Airfoil Extensions
These are the extensions that are installed at the LE near the
tips of the wings. These extensions were developed by NASA
(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) to help light
airplanes prevent stalls and spins during landing approaches.
That is exactly what they do for your NexSTAR EP Select.
They slow down the airplane, increase its stall resistance
and prevent it from spinning, all desired characteristics of a
trainer airplane. The wing extensions can be removed after
becoming familiar with the NexSTAR EP Select for faster,
more aerobatic performance.
Training Flaps
The SpeedBrakes Training Flaps were designed to allow
your NexSTAR EP Select to fl y slower, reduce top speed and
shorten the landing approach. Thanks to these fl aps, your
NexSTAR EP Select will bleed off speed quickly when throttle
is reduced so that long landing approaches are not necessary.
Additionally, the top speed is considerably reduced to make
the airplane easier to handle. These SpeedBrakes can also
be removed after acquiring some experience with the airplane
for faster, more aerobatic performance.