Make a copy of this identifi cation tag and put it on or
inside your model.
We are so confi dent that the NexSTAR EP Select is the
best almost-ready-to-fl y trainer available that we make this
guarantee: You will successfully learn how to fl y with the
NexSTAR EP Select or we will replace it with your choice of
any Hobbico trainer of up to equal value. All we ask is that
you learn to fl y under the supervision of a qualifi ed, club-
designated instructor, follow normal safety precautions, fl y at
an AMA-chartered club and construct the kit as outlined in
the included instruction manual.
If for some reason, you fi nd the design and/or workmanship
of the NexSTAR EP Select is not conducive to learning to fl y
under the conditions outlined above, contact Hobby Services,
Monday through Friday, 9AM to 5PM, to initiate the NexSTAR EP
Select replacement process. You must verify that all terms and
conditions of the fl ight guarantee have been met and provide
signatures from you and your AMA-club qualifi ed instructor.
Must fl y at an AMA chartered fi eld
Must fl y with a qualifi ed AMA-club instructor
Must be within 60 days of purchase date
Must provide a statement about the crash and signature
from the pilot and instructor
This guarantee is effective for 60 days from the purchase
date of the kit and does not cover incidental items (motor,
radio equipment and hardware, etc.). The kit, along with the
replacement verifi cation form and original purchase receipt
must be returned to Hobby Services for inspection no later
than 60 days after purchase. Hobbico reserves the right
to verify all information provided. The NexSTAR EP Select
Success Guarantee is only good for kits purchased and fl own in
the United States and Canada. Replacement trainer kit options
are limited to fl at-bottom wing trainer models available from
Hobbico and only one replacement kit per customer.
Contact Hobby Services at:
Hobby Services
3002 N. Apollo Drive, Suite 1
Champaign, IL 61822 U.S.A.
(217) 398-0007
For convenience with multiple LiPo packs, there’s the DC
PolyCharge4. Each of its four independent outputs can
charge a one-to-four cell Lithium-Polymer pack. It’s ideal if
you don’t have the time for one-at-a-time charging – and
don’t want the expense and hassle of multiple chargers.
Each output can handle packs from 300 to 3000mAh. Set the
capacity, and PolyCharge4 will automatically set the charge
rate to get you started – and use light and sound cues to tell
you when your pack is done.
Hobbico Pro Series Dual Peak Charger
The Dual Peak Charger can charge two batteries at 5A at
the same time on completely separate circuits! It features
an advanced peak detector that fully charges your battery
without overcharging and damaging it, and advanced pulse
current that charges more efficiently, with less heating. A
built-in cooling fan comes on automatically when needed.
Auto-trickle at peak keeps packs topped off and two multi-
function LEDs offer easy monitoring of the charge progress.
Includes time-out feature and 2-year warranty. Requires 12V
DC power.