NexSTAR Edition
On top of the previously mentioned items, there is still one
last treat in your NexSTAR EP Select package: A RealFlight
NexSTAR EP Edition CD-ROM. RealFlight is the best R/C
airplane simulator in the market, and it is a great learning tool.
Once installed in your computer, RealFlight will allow you to
use your own NexSTAR EP Select Radio Transmitter to fl y
your NexSTAR EP Select on your computer. Simulators are
great learning tools because they allow you to learn about
airplane orientation, fl ying speed, stalling performance, take
off and landing, and the whole spectrum of fl ight without any
risk. The physics of RealFlight are so close to reality that you
will be amazed. The RealFlight NexSTAR EP edition also
lets you practice with your transmitter and all the controls
in it. Learn to fl y with RealFlight, practice new maneuvers
and once you feel confi dent, get out there and enjoy your
NexSTAR EP Select.
Charge the Batteries
First, a word about the different batteries associated with
this airplane.
Generally, batteries are shipped with a partial or “residual”
charge. If you plan to assemble the plane now, this will probably
be enough of a charge to set-up your airplane but you will
need to give them a full charge before attempting to fl y. This
applies to the transmitter, receiver, and motor batteries. If you
plan to assemble the plane later, charge the radio system
batteries following the instructions in the instruction manual;
this is typically an overnight charge.
This would also be a good time to charge the motor batteries.
You will need to refer to your charger’s instruction manual for
proper charging procedures.
While the batteries are charging, feel free to begin assembling
the airplane.
1. The receiver battery pack and the motor batteries (not
included) can easily be accessed by opening the battery
compartment. Grasp the front windshield and lift carefully as
shown. The battery compartment cover is held in place with
two small, but powerful magnets.
2. Connect the plug from the receiver battery pack, labeled
“Battery 1,” to the plug from the on/off switch, labeled “Battery
2.” Do not force them together; they are designed to fi t together
only one way.
3. When charging the receiver battery, connect the charger
to the plug labeled “Charge” inside the fuselage.
battery must be charged at least 15 hours with the charger
supplied with the radio system before use.
WARNING! Do not connect the motor batteries until
instructed to do so.
4. If you’d like, you may replace the battery compartment
cover and set the fuselage aside until assembly is complete.