7. Test fi t the canopy hatch onto the fuselage by inserting
the tongue at the front of the hatch into the pocket in the
fuselage and pressing the aft end of the hatch down in place.
Secure the hatch using the included wing screw.
Install the Propeller
1. Disassemble the spinner and prop adapter, making
note of how it is installed. You will need to reassemble it onto
the motor in the same order.
2. Fit the prop adapter onto the motor shaft followed by
the drive washer.
3. Install the spinner backplate onto the prop adapter
followed by the propeller, prop washer, prop spacer, and prop
nut. Tighten the prop nut thoroughly. If the spinner backplate
contacts the foam fuselage after tightening the prop nut,
loosen the nut and slide the prop assembly forward some.
Then, re-tighten the nut.
4. Tighten the spinner cone onto the assembly using the
included screws.