network to which the storage system will be
connected (IPv4 only).
◦ IPv6 Address: IPv6 address of the production
network to which the storage system will be
connected (IPv6 only).
◦ Subnet Mask: IP address mask that identifies the
range of IP addresses in the subnet to which the
storage system will be connected.
◦ Subnet Prefix Length: Subnet prefix length of the
network to which the storage system will be
connected (IPv6 only).
◦ Default Gateway: IP address of the default
gateway to which the storage system will be
connected. The gateway is the IP address of the
router used to communicate outside the local
◦ DNS Server 1-3: If your configuration uses DNS
to resolve IP addresses (for example, the IP
address for the NTP server used with the storage
system), enter up to three DNS IP addresses.
Network Connection Mode
Determines whether the storage system negotiates
the speed and duplex mode automatically with the
attached device. The default setting (
) connects the storage system at the
highest speed and appropriate duplex setting
supported by itself and the connected device.
◦ DNS Domain Name: IP address of the DNS
server that will perform address resolution.
◦ DNS Search Order: Search domain names. Use
buttons to order the domain
◦ Maintenance Port: Do not change these values.
◦ Internal Network: Do not change this value.
4. Click Apply, and then click Close.
The system logs you out.
5. Remove the Ethernet cable from the management console and attach the cable to your production network. Leave
the other end of the cable connected to the management port on the rear of the controller.
6. Connect one end of another Ethernet cable to the management port on the rear of the other controller. Connect
the other end of the cable to your production network.
7. Wait 5 minutes for the maintenance utility to fetch the new IP addresses.
Updated: Wed, 12 Jan 2022 17:18:35 GMT
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