4 Start-up
F3 DIO 16/8 01
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HI 800 177 E Rev. 2.00
The remote I/O can be configured using a programming tool, SILworX or ELOP II Factory.
Which programming tool should be used, depends on the revision status of the operating
system (firmware):
SILworX is required for CPU OS V7 and higher.
ELOP II Factory is required for CPU OS up to V6.x.
How to switch between operating systems is described in Chapter
Loading Operating Systems
of the System Manual for Compact Systems (HI 800 141 E).
Configuration with SILworX
In the Hardware Editor, the remote I/Os are represented like a base plate equipped with the
following modules:
Processor module (CPU)
Input module (DI 16 LC) with Line Control
Output module (DO 8 03)
Pulsed module (DO 2 01) with 2 outputs
Double-click the module to open the Detail View with the corresponding tabs. The tabs are used
to assign the global variables configured in the user program to the system parameter of the
corresponding module.
Parameters and Error Codes for the Inputs and Outputs
The following tables specify the system parameters that can be read and set for the inputs and
outputs, including the corresponding error codes.
In the user program, the error codes can be read using the variables assigned within the logic.
The error codes can also be displayed in SILworX.
Digital Inputs of F3 DIO 16/8 01
The following tables present the statuses and parameters for the input module (DI 16 LC) in the
same order as given in the Hardware Editor.