F3 DIO 16/8 01
4 Start-up
HI 800 177 E Rev. 2.00
Page 33 of 60
Mounting the F3 DIO 16/8 01 in Zone 2
(EC Directive 94/9/EC, ATEX)
The remote I/O is suitable for mounting in zone 2. Refer to the corresponding declaration of
conformity available on the HIMA website.
When mounting the device, observe the special conditions specified in the following section.
Specific Conditions X
1. Mount the remote I/O in an enclosure that meets the EN 60079-15 requirements and
achieves a type of protection of at least IP54, in accordance with EN 60529. Provide the
enclosure with the following label:
Work is only permitted in the de-energized state
If a potentially explosive atmosphere has been precluded, work can also performed when the
controller is under voltage.
2. The enclosure in use must be able to safely dissipate the generated heat. Depending on the
output load and supply voltage, the HIMatrix F3 DIO 16/8 01 has a power dissipation ranging
between 13 W and 31 W.
3. Protect the HIMatrix F3 DIO 16/8 01 with a 12 A time-lag fuse.
The 24 VDC power must come from a power supply unit with safe isolation. Use power
supply units of type PELV or SELV only.
4. Applicable standards:
VDE 0170/0171 Part 16,
DIN EN 60079-15: 2004-5
VDE 0165 Part 1,
DIN EN 60079-14: 1998-08
Pay particular attention to the following sections:
DIN EN 60079-15:
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Terminals and cabling
Chapter 7
Air and creeping distances
Chapter 14
DIN EN 60079-14:
Chapter 5.2.3
Equipment for use in zone 2
Chapter 9.3
Cabling for zones 1 and 2
Chapter 12.2
Equipment for zones 1 and 2
The remote I/O is additionally equipped with the label represented below:
Figure 10: Label for Ex Conditions