1. You will need the following items:
Carbon brushes
Long-nose pliers
Screwdriver (flat)
Screwdriver (combi Torx)
2. Disconnect the electric drill from the electricity supply.
3. Unscrew the casing screws and remove the casing.
4. Note how the wires and the carbon brushes are fitted.
5. Remove the top carbon brush from the cage.
6. Disconnect the top carbon brush from the socket.
7. Straighten the connector.
8. Grip the connector of the bottom carbon brush with long-nose pliers.
9. Insert the tip of a flat screwdriver between the long-nose pliers and the connector socket.
10. Ease the connector out of the connector socket by turning the flat screwdriver.
11. Remove the bottom carbon brush.
12. Straighten the connector.
13. Connect the top connector to the connector socket of the top carbon brush.
14. Push the top carbon brush into the socket.
15. Place the top carbon brush in the top cage.
16. Connect the bottom connector to the connector socket of the bottom carbon brush.
Printed: 25.06.2019 | Doc-Nr: PUB / 5367014 / 000 / 06