PC Cards cifX PCI, PCIe, Low Profile PCIe | Installation, Operation and Hardware Description
DOC120204UM46EN | Revision 46 | English | 2015-12 | Relelased | Public
© Hilscher, 2008-2015
1.2 Contents of the Product DVD
On the
Communication Solutions DVD
you will find these installation
instructions about the software installation and the necessary configuration
software, the documentation, the drivers and software for your PC Card
cifX, and additional auxiliary tools.
Installation Guide, Documentation Overview
The installation guide
Software Installation and Documentation Over-
on the Communication Solutions DVD are in the directory
Documentation\0. Installation and Overview
. The installation guide
An overview on the
Content of the Communication Solutions DVD
the section
What is on the Communication Solutions DVD?
Overviews listing the available
for PC cards cifX (in
PC Cards cifX, Software and Documentation
1.2.2 What's
All current version information for hardware and software described in this
manual are provided in the folder
\Documentation\What's New -
Communication Solutions DVD RL XX EN.pdf
on the Communication
Solutions DVD.
1.2.3 Important
Changes DeviceNet
- SYCON.net and Firmware
The DeviceNet Master firmware from V2.3.11.0 and the DeviceNet Master
DTM from V1.360.x.x support the network scan function. If in the device a
firmware version V2.3.10.0 or earlier is used then a firmware update to
V2.3.11.0 or higher must be done, in order to use the
network scan