Digital Video Recorder User Manual
Enable HDD Sleeping
HDDs which are free of working for a long time will turn into sleep status.
Save Camera VCA Data
Camera VCA data will be saved so that you can search it.
Alarm Storage
When the HDD free space is not enough, you can disable it to save space, but your device will
stop storing alarm information.
Picture Storage
When the HDD free space is not enough, you can disable it to save space, but your device will
stop storing pictures.
6.6 RS-232 Settings
This function is only available for certain models.
1. Go to Configuration → RS-232.
2. Configure RS-232 parameters, including baud rate, data bit, stop bit, parity, flow control and
Connect a computer to the video recorder through the computer serial port. Video recorder
parameters can be configured by using software such as HyperTerminal. The serial port
parameters must be the same as those of video recorder when connecting with the computer
serial port.
Transparent Channel
Connect a serial device directly to the video recorder. The serial device will be controlled
remotely by the computer through the network and the protocol of the serial device.
3. Click Apply.