Fixed-angle Speed-measuring Radar
It will light up 200ms when the radar captures the vehicle's reporting
Maintenance and Common Fault diagnosis
8.1 Use Cautions
Supply voltage should be suitable, not too high
No shelters in the front of radar;
Do not plug the serial port when it is still hot;
No pounding or dropping;
ommon Fault diagnosis
Debugging software cannot be connected;
Verify the power connections to the radar (check that the green
light is on)
2. Check the serial port is connected firm or not, and whether the se-
quence is correct
If the RS485/RS232 converter is used, check the converter is wo-
rking normally or not.
Speed measurement is unvalid;
1. Check the illuminate location is accurate or not.
2. Check the serial port is connected right or not,and readback the
parameters by software to check the parameter setting is appropriate