Fixed-angle Speed-measuring Radar
earth wire of radar signal, RS485-GND or RS232-GND port
1. It is recommended that SGND should be connected when con-
necting the radar to serial line, so as to avoid bit errors.
2. Either RS485 or RS232 communication port, please contact man-
ufacturer for advance selection.
5 Communication Protocol
rotocol Description
The radar data communication adopts RS485 or RS232, baud rate
9600bps, data bits 8 bits, stop bits 1, no checkout bits.
5.2 Protocol Message
The radar sends the speed packet in the form of single byte (the unit
is km/h), For example, the speed data received is 0x32, that is the speed
of the target is 50km/h.
6 Software Usage
The following chapter includes the installation and management
steps of the software. For specific instructions, please refer to the
Fixed-angle Speed-measuring Radar debugging software manual(V2.3)