Network Video Recorder User Manual
Step 1
Go to System > Network > TCP/IP > NAT.
Figure 16-4
UPnP™ Settings Interface
Step 2
nable UPnP.
Step 3
Select Mapping Type as Manual or Auto.
OPTION 1: Auto
If you select Auto, the port mapping items are read-only, and the external ports are set by the
router automatically.
You can click Refresh to get the latest status of the port mapping.
OPTION 2: Manual
If you select Manual, you can edit the external port on your demand by clicking
activate External Port Settings.
You can use the default port No., or change it according to actual requirements.
External Port indicates the port No. for port mapping in the router.
The value of the RTSP port No. should be 554 or between 1024 and 65535, while the value
of the other ports should be between 1 and 65535 and the value must be different from
each other. If multiple devices are configured for the UPnP™ settings under the same router,
the value of the port No. for each device should be unique.
Step 4
Enter the virtual server setting page of router; fill in the blank of Internal Source Port with the
internal port value, the blank of External Source Port with the external port value, and other
required contents.