ID6000 Series Smart Code Reader User Manual
Result format settings are only available if you select TCP Client, TCP Server, Serial or FTP as the
communication protocol when the camera mode is Normal. Result format settings are not
available for Smart SDK and HTTP.
For details about communication protocol, see section Communication Settings for details.
Result Output via Smart SDK
When the communication protocol is Smart SDK, camera mode is Normal and trigger mode is On,
you just need to set NoRead Image Index in the Data Processing.
When the communication protocol is Smart SDK, camera mode is Normal and trigger mode is Off,
you do not need to set any parameter.
NoRead Image Index
It sets the specific image that is outputted when no barcode information is read. For example, if
you set this parameter as 5, and the 5th image will be output.
Figure 7-39 Result Output via Smart SDK
Result Output via TCP Client
When the communication protocol is TCP Client, camera mode is Normal and trigger mode is On,
you need to set following parameters in the Data Processing.
NoRead Image Index
It sets the specific image that is outputted when no barcode information is read. For example, if
you set this parameter as 5, and the 5th image will be output.
Tcp Output Barcode Name Enable
If this parameter is enabled, the outputted barcode information will contain the name of the
Tcp Output Barcode Position Enable
If this parameter is enabled, the outputted barcode information will contain the position of the