HID Corporation, 9292 Jeronimo Road, Irvine, CA 92618-1905, USA • Tel: (949) 598-1600, (800) 237-7769, Fax: (949) 598-1690
MaxiProx DFM Reader Installation Manual 5375-901 Rev D
18 of 20
Figure 4: Data Timing - Timing Chart
0 0 0
1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0
bit time
strobe width
card present
1st valid bit
Note: the first 25 bits and trailing bits are zeros, not shown above.
bit time = 1.5ms (default)
strobe width = bit time/3 (33% of bit time), default = 500us
is valid 1.5ms (one clock cycle, min) after card present is asserted
is valid 10us (min) before the negative edge of clock/strobe
Card Present
returns to the high level 50 ms (max) after the last clock/strobe.
The above timing is representative of a magnetic stripe card traveling at 8.9 inches per second. The
timing is to be adjustable for cards traveling at 4 inches per second to 20 inches per second. This
relates to bit times of 3.3 ms and 666us, respectively. There are 75 bits per inch on
Track 2
4.2.3 Output signal Levels
Inputs: low threshold = 0.8 volts
high threshold = 3.5 volts
4.2.4 Bit structure
The Reader will read an 1849 or compatible chip that is encoded with 44 bits of data. The data will be
programmed in accordance with ProxGuard formatting. The data will be packed into the ABA/ISO
Track 2
message format in accordance with the following rules based on customer code:
Case 1:
Customer Code =
0, 1, 63, 72, 73
or other, will have the data output as follows.
The output is in the
Track 2
character format but the bits are packed in sets of three bits (octal):
ccc CCCC a bcd efg hij klm nop qrs tuv wxy zAB CDE FGH IJK
is the customer code,
is the programmed data on the card.
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