Hettich AG, Seestrasse 204a, 8806 Baech, Switzerland
Operator_Manual_Rotolavit II_und_Rotolavit II-S_en_rev2.5
Seite 6
8.5.2 Language, date and time settings
9.3.3 wash redcells 3 5ml 3x (wash erythrocytes, 3.5 ml, 3 x)
9.3.7 susp 3 5ml spin 20sec (centrifuge 3.5ml suspension for 20sec)
9.3.8 wash 3 5ml 3x and anti (wash 3.5 ml, 3 x, plus antihuman globulin test)
9.3.9 wash white cells Tspot (wash leukocytes, Tspot)
9.3.10 cell recovery (only device type 1008-00S)
9.2.11 immunophenotyping (only device type 1008-00S)