User manual // Speed Max
work area 1, and C2 + F2 for work area 2, and C3 + F3 for
work area 3).
Camera settings:
Use the following settings for the Freemask application if
your camera supports them:
Frame rate to fastest setting possible
Number of frames in a burst to two (2).
This ensures that the interval between the two successive
exposures is as small as possible (depending on the
camera in use).
The transmitter will then trigger flash group 1 (C1, C2, and
C3) for the main set lighting (exposure 1), and flash group
2 (F1, F2, and F3) for the mask lighting (exposure 2), in
order to obtain the two required camera exposures. At
present, all cameras are supported that have frame rate
capabilities from 3 frames/s to (theoretically) 500 frames/s.
The transmitter automatically defaults to frame trigger
mode 1 after 200 ms, independent from the actual number
of exposures. This ensures that the main set lighting is
always relating to the first frame, and the mask lighting for
the second frame when using the Freemask application.