Parameter 145
– Humidity Sensor Report Threshold
This Parameter determines the change in humidity level in % resulting in humidity sensors report being sent to the
gateway. From 1% to 25% can be selected. Use the value 0 if there is a need to stop sending the reports. The factory
default value is 2.
When the device is turning ON, the sensor data will be sent to the gateway once, even if the value of this
Parameter is 0.
It is not recommended to decrease the value of this Parameter, in order not to increase the load on your Z-Wave
network traffic.
Parameter 146
– Light Sensor Report Threshold
This Parameter determines the change in the ambient environment illuminance level resulting in a light sensors report
being sent to the gateway. From 10% to 99% can be selected. Use the value 0 if there is a need to stop sending the
reports. The factory default value is 50.
When the device is turning On, the sensor data will be sent to the gateway once, even if the value of this Parameter
is 0.
It is not recommended to decrease the value of this Parameter, in order not to increase the load on your Z-Wave
network traffic.
Association Commands Configuration
Parameters 171-174
– Associations Mode
These Parameters are intended for use when Multilevel Switch Group Associations (Groups 3, 5, 7, 9) have been
activated. They define the logic of values changing if one of the touch buttons has been held for more than one second.
They are useful options for controlling dimmers or roller shutter devices in the following three ways:
“0” – On each hold event, “UP (brighten)” and “DOWN (dim)” command will be alternately sent to associated devices.
“1” – On each hold event, the “UP (brighten)” command will be sent to associated devices.
“2” – On each hold event, the “DOWN (dim)” command will be sent to associated devices.
Set the value for Group 3 (Touch 1 association) in Parameter 171, for Group 5 (Touch 2 association) in Parameter 172,
for Group 7 (Touch 3 association) in Parameter 173, for Group 9 (Touch 4 association) in Parameter 174.
The factory-default value: 0.