Step 8. Set Trend Alarms
The Trend Alarm settings are established as a percentage of allowable change in load. These percentages
are applied to the sample load values. There is a High Trend Alarm set and a Low Trend Alarm set for each
channel. The limits can range from 0 to 99%. A setting of 0 disables the alarm.
These alarms are active when the Monitor Parts Mode bit is ON. When monitor parts mode is enabled, the
sample process takes place.
Example: Monitor Parts mode is enabled with a sample count of 4 and high and low Trend Alarms set at
10%. The load generated on the next 4 machine cycles is averaged to obtain the sample value for each
channel. A sample of 30 tons is calculated for channel 1 and a sample of 40 tons is calculated for channel 2.
If any succeeding machine stroke develops tonnage of 33 (10% of 30 = 3 tons) or higher on channel 1 the
High Trend Alarm is reached and the alarm bit is turned ON. If tonnage falls to 27, the Low Trend Alarm set
is reached and the alarm bit is turned ON.
You have completed the basic setup and the module is operational.
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