A. Terms such as ‘Medium Risk’, ‘High Risk’ and ‘Very High Risk’ are a description of a person’s
risk levels, these persons may be at danger of developing a pressure sore at the higher risk
status level. These risk levels are assessed by nurses and as there is a variability between
nurse measurements/observations. Descriptive risk levels should only be used as guideline
for the risk assessment methods being used.
B. HealthCo uses these factors and terms based on the existing market research and internal
research to show the suitability and effectiveness of the pressure care systems provided.
Internal and external research is and will always be ongoing. These risk factors should not
be taken as prescriptive criteria.
C. HealthCo support surfaces should be seen as an aid to care and DO NOT replace the need
for good nursing care and intervention. All HealthCo products must be used as part of an
individualised care plan which include proper nursing practices i.e. turning/re-positioning,
and regular patient skin assessments.
D. Pressure relieving equipment alone will not prevent pressure ulcers. Pressure ulcers are
multi factorial and many external and internal factors cause them to develop. It is up to
the professional judgement of the nurse to assess the risk and develop a care plan which
prescribes suitable pressure reducing/relieving equipment and external care. Some
pressure sores are inevitable due to falls and periods of immobility these sores can develop
hours after the injury, in these instances a pressure ulcer can develop and HealthCo cannot
guarantee the use of the equipment alone will prevent pressure ulcer formation.
E. The mattress usage guidance within this user guide in relation to clinical guidance, should
always be operated in accordance with best clinical practice outlined by the care giver.