Airplane Flight Manual
Page 5
FAA Approved
Revision A3: Apr 26, 2007
Section - 6
Standard Mean Chord (SMC) - The average distance from the wing leading edge to the
trailing edge.
Station - The longitudinal distance from some point to the zero datum or zero fuselage station.
Take-off Weight - The weight of the airplane at lift-off from the runway.
Tare - The apparent weight which may be indicated by scales before any load is applied.
Unusable Fuel - The fuel remaining after consumption of usable fuel.
Usable Fuel - That portion of the total fuel which is available for consumption as determined
in accordance with applicable regulatory standards.
Useful Load - The difference between the airplane ramp weight and the basic empty weight
(p usable fuel)
Zero Fuel Envelope - The range of zero fuel weight and center of gravity used for determining
fuel loading procedures.
Zero Fuel Weight (ZFW) - The airplane ramp weight minus the weight of fuel on board.
Numeric values in this section are US Primary and Metric Secondary in "( )".
The following conversion factors are used:
• Weight: 1 Kilogram = 2.2046 Pounds.
• Length: 1 Meter = 3.2808 Feet or 39.3700 Inches.
• Moment: 1 Kilogram-Meter = 7.2328 Pounds-Feet.
• Pressure: 1 Kilogram/Meter
= 0.2048 Pounds/Foot
• Volume: 1 Liter = 0.2642 Gallon.
• Weight/Liquid Volume: 1 Kilogram/Liter = 8.3444 Pounds/Gallon.
For Training Purposes Only