InstallatIon and operatIon Manual for WInd and sun screen sl400
5. dIsManTlInG
always close the screen before lifting it and removing it from the brackets.
6. PuTTInG InTo oPeraTIon and HandoVer
6.1. opening the screen
to open the screen use the pull rod and handgrip. always make sure that the wheel
at the bottom of the pull rod rolls over the floor! this ensures a smooth and even
extension of the screen.
once the screen has reached the support, lift the handgrip slightly upwards and on
to the locking system.
then press the handgrip downwards and give it a brief tug to ensure it has properly
engaged with the locking system.
finally, to prevent the screen from suddenly disengaging, a safety lock is pushed
through the hole in the handgrip. In order to be able to carry out this action, you
must first press down the pin on the button.
6.2. Closing the screen
to close the screen, follow the reverse procedure for opening the screen (see f.1.).
never suddenly let go of the fabric and the pull rod! closing the SL400 in an uncontrolled
manner can damage the fabric and result in personal injuries!
6.3. Handover to the customer
after assembling and testing the screen, clean up the workplace, take the packaging away
with you and hand this installation and operating manual to the user. do not forget to
complete the handover forms on the last pages.
to make it easier for us to respond to any questions or to provide you with information
regarding this SL400 in the future, please make sure the installation details below are
completed by the installer.
product name:
wind and sun screen sl400
HaroL order number:
Installation date:
Installer’s signature: