Date printed: 24.01.12
D21m System
5.2 Special Case: Microphone/line Input Card
The smallest modularity of channels used up within the MADI and Core link
is eight. If an odd number of Mic/Line input cards is used, they should be
inserted in pairs, with the last card in an odd slot (no. 1, 3, 5...) This single
card will allocate 8 channels but only 4 of them will have audio. If a Mic/
Line input card pair uses Analog Insert cards, they should be placed in the
next double slot on the right, as shown in chapter 5.3.
For clearness, see the following examples:
Example 1
Input Cards
MADI Channel Usage
10 Mic/Line Input cards (40 channels)
2 Line Input cards (16 channels)
Example 2
Input Cards
MADI Channel Usage
9 Mic/Line Input cards (36 channels)
(37-40 no audio)
2 Line Input cards (16 channels)
Example 3
Input Cards
MADI Channel Usage
9 Mic/Line Input cards (36 channels)
(37-40 no audio)
3 Line Input cards (24 channels)
5.3 analog Insert Cards
The Analog Insert card is supported by the Mic/Line input card A949.0427
If you plan to equip the I/O box with Analog Insert cards, it is wise to avoid
channels without signal by installing two Mic/Line Input cards next to each
other, followed by two Analog Insert cards to their right. The Analog Insert
cards will be connected to ‘their’ Mic/Line Input card by a ribbon cable. After
that, more Mic/Line Input cards may be inserted. This way all channels within
the hub-to-core link will be carrying audio, since there is always a group of
8 channels inserted next to each other. The two Analog Insert cards will not
use any channels within the link. The ribbon cables are lead through slots
provided in both the Mic/Line Input and Analog Insert cards.
(Front Panels)
Analog Insert
Mic/Line Input