Date printed: 24.01.12
D21m System
6.3.7 3G SdI I/O Card
The 3G/HD/SD SDI (serial digital interface) embedder/de-embedder card
is able to handle video signals according to the 3G (full HD), HD and SD
standards; both level A and B versions of 3G signals are supported. Standard
selection is performed automatically. The card can act as an eight- or 16-chan-
nel embedder, an eight- or 16-channel de-embedder, or any combination
thereof. For the D21m I/O system it can be an eight- or 16-channel audio input
card, an eight- or 16-channel audio output card, or an eight- or 16-channel
input/output card. These modes are determined by DIP switches located on
the card (or by software, if supported).
The SDI standard defines up to 16 audio channels transmitted within a video
signal. These 16 channels are divided into four groups of four channels each.
Selection of which channels are to be embedded or de-embedded is performed
by DIP switches on the card (or by software, if supported): either groups 1&2,
groups 3&4, or all. It is also possible to clear the SDI data structure possibly
present in the incoming video signal and to allocate the groups from scratch.
The D21m SDI card hosts SRCs (sampling rate converters) for both the audio
inputs (de-embedding) and outputs (embedding). So the mixing console can
run independently of the video sync used for SDI. The sampling rate convert-
ers can be bypassed; if so, the SDI card is fully compatible to transmitting
the Dolby
E audio format. If power is switched off, the input is hardware-
bypassed to output A.
If the SRCs are bypassed, the card works at a sampling
rate of 48 kHz only.
Video signals can be delayed in frames; maximum delay is 4 frames (3G),
8 frames (HD) or 15 frames (SD). The delay is set either by DIP switches or,
if supported, by software.
The test pattern generator is automatically activated as soon as the SDI input
signal is invalid, or manually. It either selects its output signal format accord-
ing to the last valid SDI input signal or to the DIP switch setting on the card.
Output signal is a black frame or a color bar frame, both with embedded audio.
All generator settings and presets can be made with DIP switches on the card
(or by software, if supported).
Operating modes
8- or 16-ch console output (embedder) and/or
8- or 16-ch console input (de-embedder)
Selectable SDI groups
groups 1&2, and/or groups 3&4
Cable length
max. 50 m
Video delay
max. 4 frames (3G); 8 frames (HD); 15 frames (SD)
Audio latency*
(de-em embedder) 3G/HD: <800 µs; SD: <2.6 ms
Current consumption
(5 V)
1 A
Operating temperature
0-40 °C
Latency times are identical for all channels and all groups.