Oakleaf Woodburning Stove
Dry Seasoned Wood Only!
Harman® • Oakleaf Owner's Manual_R23 • 2010 -___ • 09/15
Oakleaf to Flue Fireplace Conversion (Minimum NFPA 211 Liner Connection)
NOTICE: When using rear flue configuration, a new upper rear heat shield, #1-00-797066 must be installed in place
of the existing shield.
The Chimney Connector Shall Not Pass Through an Attic or Roof Space, Closet or Similar Concealed Space, a
Floor or Ceiling.
Combustible Floor
Flue liner with required air space
Floor Protection*
Stainlesssteel chimney connector
must extend to flue liner
Minimum 8” masonry thickness in
front of smoke chamber
Use damper adapter or seal with
non-combustible material
Damper plate is removed or
fastened in open position
*Floor protection in accordance with solid fuel appliance listing