6.8 Communication Setup
6.9 Other Setup
Communication Setup screen is for setting up communication parameters when communicating with
instruments that supports interfaces to the PC or other serial devices. Up/down arrows are used to
change the values. The response delay setup (0 ~ 250 msec) with local device number (1 ~ 255)
can be set by directly selecting the box. When communicating in 2-wire with RS422/485 model, the
product terminal T+ is connected with R+, T- with R-.
The SG pin of the terminal is used when communication performance deteriorates due to the problem
of potential difference. As for response delay, it is used when a converter is used that automatically
controls the communication from the other device by using timing delay. It is a functionality that waits
few msec to prevent data crash. (When 2-wire communication is used).
- Displayed Language : Select language for the menus. (Currently provides Korean and English)
- Setup for usage of each channel : Select channels that are used.
Control -> use control actions
Observe -> indicate only the instructed value (no control actions)
Not used -> the channel is not used (when channel 2 is disabled, the operation scree changes
to single channel mode).
- Setup password : Password setup for authority to change system setup.
- Setup for simultaneous control mode for each channel, or separate control mode :
When 2 channels are used, setup for simultaneous operation of channels.