CDMA WLL User’s Guide
7. FAX Functions
7.1 FAX Set-up
1) To send or receive analog fax messages, the FWT
should be equipped with an analog fax module,
connected to a conventional fax machine with the FWT,
as shown in section 2.3
: When you use a fax function and terminal should
be connected to AC/DC adapter. Other wise it may
indicate Low battery warning.
7.2 Sending FAX Message
You can send and receive fax massages using a fax
machine connected to the FWT.
1) Dual dialing Method
1. Load documents to send into a fax machine.
2. Pick up the handset or press On-hook of the fax
3. Press <*>, <*>, <0>, <8>, <1> and wait for dial
4. Dial destination fax number when you hear dial