Hangar 9 P-40B Warhawk 50 ARF
6. Use a hobby knife with a #11 blade to remove the
covering from the rudder for the tail gear assembly.
7. Use medium grit sandpaper to roughen the wire where
it contacts the rudder. This will allow the epoxy to adhere to
the wire when it is glued into position.
8. Mix a small amount of 30-minute epoxy. Use a
toothpick to apply the epoxy to the wire and into the hole
in the rudder where they contact each other. Insert the tail
wheel wire into the rudder. Use a paper towel and rubbing
alcohol to remove any excess epoxy before it can cure. Use
low-tack tape to hold the wire in position until the epoxy
has fully cured.
9. Use a pin vise and 1/16-inch (1.5mm) drill bit to drill
a hole in the center of each hinge slot. This creates a tunnel
for the CA to wick into, creating a better bond between the
hinge and surrounding wood. Drill holes in both the rudder
and fin hinge slots.
10. Place a T-pin in the center of three hinges. Insert the
hinges into the rudder as shown.