Hangar 9 Jackal 50 ARF
27. Prepare the main gear and nose gear servo arms.
Install the ball ends so they are 1-inch (25mm) apart as
shown. The nose gear servo arm uses only one ball link, but
it is positioned the same as the main gear.
28. Install the servo arms on the retract servos as shown.
The nose gear is shown in the down position. Make sure the
switch on the radio is also in the position you will want as
the down setting.
29. Locate the 8
-inch (217mm) pushrod tube. Roughen
the first 1/2-inch (12mm) at the end and also a 1/2-inch
(12mm) section at the center of the tube.
30. Slide the pushrod tube in the fuselage with the end
that was not sanded toward the nose gear. Center the tube
and use medium CA to glue the tube to the center former
and the former near the servo compartment. Do not glue
the tube near the nose gear as it must be able to move to
operate properly.
31. Thread the ball end on the 2-56 x 15
-inch pushrod
wire. Start by setting it at around 12 to 14 turns on the wire.
Its final position will be adjusted once the pushrod is installed.
32. Insert the pushrod wire into the pushrod tube. Once
the threads are exposed near the nose gear, thread a 2-56
nut on the threads as shown. The pushrod can then be
threaded into the actuator for the nose gear.
: It is easier to thread the pushrod wire into the
actuator when the nose gear is in the up position.
33. It’s now time to set the length of the retract linkage.
With the nose gear in the down and locked position, use the
radio to move the servo to the down position. Adjust the
length of the linkage so the ball end fits on the ball without
any binding. Use the radio to move the retract servo to the
up position. Check that the retract is in up and locked. You
may need to fine-tune the length of the linkage to allow it to
move from up to down, locking the retract in both positions.