Hangar 9 Jackal 50 ARF
4. Use 30-minute epoxy to glue the 17mm x 12mm x
10mm hardwood block to the servo cover. Allow the epoxy
to fully cure before proceeding.
5. Repeat Steps 2 through 4 for the remaining servo
cover and block.
6. Prepare the aileron servo by installing the rubber
grommets and brass eyelets as shown in the radio or servo
instructions. Center the aileron servo using the radio system.
Enlarge the hole in the servo arm using a pin vise and 5/64-
inch (2mm) drill bit that is 1/2-inch (13mm) from the center
of the servo horn. Use side cutters to remove any arms from
the horn that may interfere with the operation of the servo.
7. Position the aileron servo with the grommets resting
on the first mounting block and the servo parallel to the
line on the cover. Space the servo so it is not resting on the
servo cover as this will cause vibrations from the airframe to
be transferred to the servo. Use a pencil to mark the location
for the remaining servo mounting block.
8. Use 30-minute epoxy to glue the remaining block
to the cover. Don’t forget to roughen the end of the block as
shown in Step 3.
9. Use a pencil to mark the locations for the four servo
mounting screws on the blocks.
10. Use a drill and 1/16-inch (1.5mm) drill bit to drill
the holes for the mounting screws.
11. Apply 2–3 drops of thin CA in each hole drilled.
Also saturate the top of the block using thin CA to harden the
block. This will keep the block from splitting when the servo
mounting screws are installed.